4 Ways to Develop Confidence in Your Workflow

2.01 Minutes

Create Your Work Journal

Utilize the workflow journal to summarize the task you must complete for the next day. Write out what the job requires and the due date. Answer these questions to evaluate your trigger point for worst and best traits while working.

How did you feel before and after doing the task?

What did you eat before and after doing a task?

What task sticks out the most when you start working?

What tasks motivated you the most to get your ass up?

What's Your Type

Take the flow type test to discover how you think and your values. Your values will determine your associations and how you define your boundaries. The test will provide insight into your thinking pattern. When evaluating your flow, you can consider these results to make the best decision for your process. The test measures your temperament, values, cognitive functions, and thinking preferences.

Flow Type Test ยป The Hero Code


If your confidence is low, overwhelming yourself with a long to-do list is hopeless. While three is an average for tackling tasks throughout the day. When you're feeling unmotivated, that's too much. Take it one step at a time, do one task daily, then gradually add on. Use this technique to get back on track from feeling low and out of place. Three tasks a day are best if you're on a roll.

Confidence Defines Your Selling Point

We're ego-driven; art is our emotions, and jealousy is a real issue. While there is no need to feel ashamed about your jealousy towards others, this is another form of distraction. Remember to follow your path; don't become distracted with envy towards others. Defeat those thoughts with a challenge, discover what you're doing better, and use it as a selling point for your creative business. Turn unproductive thoughts into productive ways to boost your confidence and business values.

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